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Serves 4.

A refreshing salad of chopped parsley and mint, seasoned with lemon juice and olive oil is an age old favorite dish. The recipe varies from family to family with each cook making it their own way, but below is a basic recipe to get you started.


75gm bulgur, washed
3 cups of curly parsley, stalks removed and roughly chopped
4 tomatoes, diced
6 spring onions, chopped
¼ cup of mint, chopped
2 lemons juiced
4 tbsp. olive oil



Step 1: Place bulgur into a sieve and rinse well. Cover with hot water and leave to soak for 20 minutes.
Step 2: Drain well. Place bulgur, parsley, tomatoes, mint, and spring onions in to a bowl and mix well.
Step 3: Combine olive oil and lemon juice, and add to the rest of the ingredients. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

Serve with grilled fish or chicken.